Friday, 25 December 2009

christmas and other such things.

i like christmas, not because of presents or commercialism, they just annoy me.
i like the coming together of families, the sense of giving without caring about what you're getting in return. i like the feeling of love.

almost every year my whole family, and there are alot of us, get together for a xmas meal. it happen the sunday just gone. and like every year i loved it. one year all of us rented out a skittle alley+alcohol+good company=best meal ever.

this year we had new additions. since my grandad died, our family that was once disconnected by arguements long long forgotten, is slowly coming together. this year our uncle joined us. who is hilarious when drunk. he was barred. which is very funny. 

i got to speak to my older brother, who after my younger brother, i feel closest too, plus. i like his girlfriend, if we werent related, we could be friends. i saw my uncle who told me to do what i want to do, and if need be, 'to tell people 'fuck you'' 
i didn't ask for much this year, i think i got my fair share of presents years ago when i got this laptop. (granted it was a joint birthday present) but still. its cost alot. and this year i didnt really want alot. i mean yeah a car wluld be nie, but i know my parents havent got a lot of money. cheers recession. so i asked for a book, t-shirt, bracelet and perfume. i got the book x)

what i wasnt suspecting was my present. at first i thought it was an xbox, my brother was getting one and they looked similar in box like shape. but it wasnt. it was something ive wanted for a really really long time, and completely forgot about when my mum asked me what i wanted.

it was a record player.
a really really nice one. it looks sweet.
i love it.

and for once i was completely surprised. as usually i scour the house looking for presents with scissors and tape en sue. and for once i was pleasantly surprised. i dont like them you see, if you get surprised with something disappointing, ( and yes i know its the thought that count but it can still be disappointing. ) its hard to hide that face showing it. 

im looking forward to next year. i hope its better then the past one. (my year starts in november/december time) because my last year was the best i have had. by far. 
i hope things get better for me and everyone i love.

merry christmas everybody.